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Strange Lighting Patterns

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Created 7 years ago
by dextro62
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Hi, so i get this weird lighting in this corridor in my map, I also get it in other places in my map but not as bad as this. If i add a window in the ceiling to let more light in I don't get this problem anymore, but does anyone know how to fix this without needing to add a window or any other source of light.

Thanks for the help
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Check your reflection probe/s in the affected areas. On any reflection probe, there are two volumes that can be set, the main interior volume, and the exterior blend volume. In radiant with the reflection probe selected, enter 2D view mode, and notice the perimeter of the selected probe. You will see a green outline distinguishing the border, which you can left-click drag to resize the main interior volume. If you hold CTRL + SHIFT, then left-click drag, you can expand/contract the exterior blend volume, which is likely the cause of your issue. Make sure to size that exterior volume where it is flat against the interior surfaces. You can, drag this blend area inside of the wall slightly, but just note that any light within that exterior blend area will mix with the light calculated within the interior of the reflection probe, whether that light is from the sun, omni light etcetera. In the docs_modtools folder, there is a file named lighting_probe_workflow, which explains this better than I can so I recommend reading that. There are also similar issues as yours already addressed in the forums.

Anyhow, there are other factors that cause lighting artifacts, one may be your sun split distance, you could possibly have reflection probes outside the area in your picture, that are invading that room, or penetrating the walls from the outside. Any two or more reflection probes should not overlap each other, which can cause issues. Another thought to consider is setting up sun/shadow caulking outside the room, which can prevent that violating penetration from the shafts of light bleeding in from the outside. There are tutorials for that in forums. I had issues like this mapping before, and after reading all the files that had to do with lighting in the docs_modtools folder, and taking a few tutorials, I haven't had any issues. Good luck, hope this helps.

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