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Help my map keeps crashing! I was going to release my map today!

broken avatar :(
Created 7 years ago
by RayGuNNXXX123
0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.
broken avatar :(
broken avatar :(
Location: usHouse
Date Registered: 15 November 2014
Last active: 3 years ago
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Rotting Walker
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Code Snippet
Error: Could not load xanim "player_view_dog_knockdown".
Error: Could not load xanim "zombie_dog_run_pain_front".
Error: Could not load xanim "zombie_dog_pain_hit_right".
Error: Could not load xanim "zombie_dog_pain_hit_left".
Error: Could not load xanim "zombie_dog_pain_hit_front".
Error: Could not load xanim "zombie_dog_pain_hit_back".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_run_pain_hit_front".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_pain_hit_right".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_pain_hit_left".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_pain_hit_back".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_pain_hit_front".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_player_neck_snap".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_walk".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_traverse_up_80".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_traverse_up_40".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_traverse_down_40".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_player_miss_turnl".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_player_miss_turnr".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_ai_05_kill_a".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_ai_04_middle_a".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_ai_03_shot_a".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_ai_03_pushed_a".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_ai_02_idle_a".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_ai_01_start_a".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_flashbang".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_pain".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_stop".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_jump_window_40".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_jump_40".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_attack_miss".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_attack_low".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_attack".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_run_turn_180_right".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_run_turn_180_left".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_run_turn_90_right".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_run_turn_90_left".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_turn_180_right".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_turn_180_left".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_turn_90_right".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepard_turn_90_left".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_lean_r".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_lean_l".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_run_start".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attackidle_growl".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attackidle_bark".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attackidle".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_idle".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_player_late".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_look_up".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_look_up".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_look_left".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_look_left".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_look_right".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_look_right".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_attack_look_down".
Error: Could not load xanim "german_shepherd_look_down".
Error: Could not load xanim "p_makinraid_hatch".
Error: Could not load xanim "crew_sherman_passenger9_combatidle_player".
Error: Could not load xanim "crew_sherman_passenger8_combatidle_player".
Error: Could not load xanim "crew_lvt4_peleliu1_character9_player".
Error: Could not load xanim "crew_lvt4_peleliu1_character5_player".
Error: Could not load xanim "crew_lvt4_peleliu1_character4_player".
Error: Could not load xanim "p_flak1_tag2_idle".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_prone_crawl_right_hold_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_prone_crawl_left_hold_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_prone_crawl_back_hold_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_prone_crawl_hold_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_crouch_hold_run_right_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_crouch_hold_run_left_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_crouch_hold_run_back_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_crouch_hold_run_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_hold_run_left_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_hold_run_right_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_hold_run_back_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_hold_run_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_sprint_hold_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_crouch_hold_idle_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_hold_idle_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pb_prone_hold_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pt_hold_prone_throw_satchel".
Error: Could not load xanim "pt_hold_throw_satchel".
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (236 -22 26.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (374.5 -102.5 18.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (378.5 97.5 26.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (1192.5 8.5 50.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (376 268.5 26.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (294 287.5 26.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (918.5 -486.5 19.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (912.5 -286.5 19.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (1030 -485 19.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (1311 -293 19.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (-28 621.5 10.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2262.5 3340.5 31.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (1941.5 3376.5 51.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2080 1035.3 43) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (1973 1235.6 43) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2134 821 181) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2144.5 1042.5 154) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (1972 3885 746) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2200 5024 746) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2458 3527 13) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2520 3526 16) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2253 3972 883) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (172 -1109 19.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2282 4076 876) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2281 4002 879) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (241 736.5 252.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (236 835.5 252.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (239 992.5 254.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (270 818.5 253.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2013.5 3412.5 746) is floating
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2153.5 3423.5 746) is floating
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2016.5 3278 746) is floating
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2156.5 3289 746) is floating
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (-240 -1220 45.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (-239 -1132 45.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (42 -1984 144.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (-21 -1984 141.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (608 -1996 154.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (918 -1660 162.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (1214 -1575 162.5) is in solid
ERROR: Pathnode (Path) at (2171 1442 168) is in solid
Spawner at (1379.5 1242.5 0) is in solid
Spawner at (2122 3676 724) is in solid
Error: Could not load rawfile "shock/zombie_death.shock".
Error: couldn't open 'shock/zombie_death.shock'.
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod'
  Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeInTime'
  Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime'
  Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
Error: Could not load xmodel "default_static_model".
Error: Could not load xmodel "exploding_barrel_test_d".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/muzzleflashes/pistolflash/viewShellEjectEffect".
Error: Could not load xmodel "m14_world_model".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_raygun2_death_up".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_raygun2_trail_run".
script runtime warning: potential infinite loop in script.
@ 158091

Connecting player #0 has a zero GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for  (num 0 guid 0)
Received packet 0 of stats data
script runtime error: potential infinite loop in script - killing thread.
@ 574716
Received packet 1 of stats data
Received packet 2 of stats data
Received packet 3 of stats data
Received packet 4 of stats data
Received packet 5 of stats data
Received packet 6 of stats data
DynEnt_WriteGameState wrote 2 bytes
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_DownloadsComplete
Patchmaps: 0
Patchmaps: 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Patchmaps: 0 0 0 0
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_InitCGame
Player 0 no longer burning at time: 0
Player 0 no longer electrified at time: 0
Player 0 no longer transporter sick at time: 0
Error: Could not load material "nightvision_overlay_goggles".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters_glow".
Error: Could not load material "killicondied".
Error: Could not load material "killiconcrush".
Error: Could not load material "killiconfalling".
Error: Could not load material "killiconsuicide".
Error: Could not load material "killiconheadshot".
Error: Could not load material "killiconmelee".
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/lab.d3dbsp

Foliage: --------------------------
Foliage: smodelCount = 717
Foliage: foliage model count = 717 (max=16384)
Foliage: sizeof(g_modelInfos) = 16384, element size = 1
Foliage: --------------------------

vertex stream 2: --------------------------
vertex stream 2: needs 355728 bytes
vertex stream 2: vertex buffer allocate ok
vertex stream 2: --------------------------
LOADING... game media
LOADING...  - textures
Error: Could not load material "headicondisconnected".
Error: Could not load material "headiconyouinkillcam".
Error: Could not load material "objective_up".
Error: Could not load material "objective_down".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "objective_friendly_chat".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_enemy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_radarline".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_busy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "hud_flashbangicon".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzai".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzaigrenade".
LOADING...  - models
LOADING...  - items
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade) for weapon (kar98k_scoped)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade_mount) for weapon (kar98k_scoped)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bayonet) for weapon (kar98k_scoped)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade) for weapon (kar98k_scoped_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_grenade_mount) for weapon (kar98k_scoped_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_bayonet) for weapon (kar98k_scoped_upgraded)
Error: CG_RegisterWeapon: No such bone tag (tag_sights_on) for weapon (kuda_upgraded)
LOADING...  - inline models
LOADING...  - server models
Error: Could not load fx "fx_zombie_light_elec_room_on".
Error: Could not load fx "env/lights/fx_lights_lantern_on".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/mp_maps/fx_mp_smoke_stack".
Error: Could not load fx "destructibles/fx_barrelexp".
Error: Could not load fx "destructibles/fx_barrel_ignite".
Error: Could not load fx "destructibles/fx_barrel_fire_top".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_zombie_perk_lottery_4".
Error: Could not load fx "harrys/wunderfizz_spotlight_oneshot".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_deathfx_bloodpool_view".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_deathfx_dogbite".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_american_smoke_grenade".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_flare_sky_white_10sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_gas_grenade_22sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/rocket/fx_trail_bazooka_geotrail".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_smk_2sec".
Error: Could not load rawfile "shock/zombie_death.shock".
Error: couldn't open 'shock/zombie_death.shock'.
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod'
  Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeInTime'
  Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime'
  Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_dust_default".
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_water".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/jet_afterburner".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_sm".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_md".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_hit_lg".
Error: Could not load fx "impacts/fx_water_object_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/water/fx_wake_lvt_churn".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_water_hit_player_bubbles".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_waist_ripple".
Error: Could not load fx "bio/player/fx_player_water_knee_ripple".
LOADING...  - game media done
LOADING... clients
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/".
*** CLIENT SPAWN 0 script_brushmodels 0 script_models.
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_bark".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_brick".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_carpet".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cloth".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_concrete".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_dirt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_flesh".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_foliage".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_glass".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_gravel".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ice".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_metal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paper".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plaster".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rock".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_snow".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_water".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_wood".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_asphalt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ceramic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plastic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rubber".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cushion".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_fruit".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paintedmetal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_player".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_tallgrass".
CL_InitCGame:  7.85 seconds
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: -303695800
Hiding channel: gamenotify
Hiding channel: obituary
Adding channel: gamenotify
Adding channel: obituary
Hiding channel: boldgame
Adding channel: boldgame
Hiding channel: subtitle
Adding channel: subtitle
Hiding channel: coopinfo
Adding channel: coopinfo
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished
Fade in 172678 1250
Model 'cg_drawPerformanceWarnings':
Database: Assets Sync Started
Database: Assets Sync Finished

Unhandled exception caught

Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: -303695800

This happens for what ever reason. I was going to release my map today. Turned out to be a unlucky day.
Last Edit: September 08, 2017, 12:19:24 pm by Sidzzz
broken avatar :(
broken avatar :(
Location: br
Date Registered: 20 April 2016
Last active: 2 years ago
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if I surprised you, it was because you underestimated me
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