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Topics - Centric

Disclaimer: This map was created by me in 2015 for the UGX and ZomMods contest, however the board where it was posted has since been removed and I figured that although its not the prettiest map out there, someone might have some fun with it so here ya go, enjoy

also you may want to turn up your brightness ;p

Strandburg is a small building complex set in the aprox. 60s-70s and consists of 3 buildings which have been put together in a way that makes getting around to certain areas rather time consuming considering the maps size. Very easy and uncomplicated layout, its just a fun little map to play maybe once and go for the Easter egg.

Decently complicated Easter Egg 1-4 players
(although be aware some steps are quit random so if you get stuck refer to the tutorial at the bottom of this post)
bo1-bo2 weapons, have fun upgrading all of them as some weapons have unique effects when upgraded.
bo1-bo2 perks, 4 perk limit which can be shortened / removed with Easter Egg completion
Special mystery weapon
Custom wall weapon system, ammo becomes progressively more expensive
And don't forget the dull and bland colors :D



Easter Egg Tutorial:
Secret Mystery Weapon:
Spoiler: click to open...
How to obtain:
Spoiler: click to open...
Various shark models are hidden around the map, either in water or in barely visable spots outside the map like behind sandbags or in the roof. Will appear in second power room when completed, no audio cues are given for any steps
Special Upgraded Gun


Hope you enjoy this ancient treasure :p
note this is the same download as I provided in 2015 so any bugs still exist, currently the only two known bugs are
1. jumping from the ladder to the jeeps causes you to get stuck and jumping from the ladder ontop of the gate lets you leave the map.
2. fence by box near second power station can be passed through on one side.

Harry Bo21

Its been too long to remember what each one did, I just had a screenshot of a txt file labeled credits. Sorry

Beta Testers:

7 years ago
I tried to open my map in bo3 radiant which works fine, but when I compile changes in radiant stop working ingame although the compiler says nothing.

Incase it was just my map, tried just adding a single brush prefab from waw radiant into bo3, that didnt work either.

Is there any proper way to load waw maps?
8 years ago

Spoiler: click to open...
I'm not sure how many of you actually remember me. I was a really active member in 2014 and did some things in 2015. Back then I as a complete idiot and had no idea what I was doing. After finishing my second contest map in mid 2015, I stopped being interested in cod waw in general. But almost a year later, i'm back and want to create a map that does not have a deadline and truly shows what I can do now. I hope this will be as well received as I intend it to be. And because of the reveal of the bo3 mod tools, this map will most likely be released for bo3 if it ever gets that far. Thank you for reading this incredibly long paragraph. Now please enjoy the map

Please keep in mind every screenshot is very crude and extremely unfinished. I plan to perfect every area with an enormous amount of detail. The parts of the map I have created and hardly past being an outline. I also have no vision file currently (I actually removed everything inside the factory vision file, so It might look kind of bad because of that)

These are currently the most detailed sections

These sections are the less complete parts.

This is the spawn area, which is the most recent addition which is in need of a lot of detail. (obviously)
and yes, I know the mountain looks hideous, the texture and layout are both placeholders.


This is what I will 100% get done for this map.

- Very professional looking, sounding, and statistically perfect guns from ghosts, advanced warfare, and bo3. (in the event It does not end up being a bo3 map)
- Extremely in depth Easter Egg packed with custom requirement, guns, and other sunrises.
- complex map layout based on using alternate transportation methods.
- bo3 Deathmachine powerup

These are other things id like to accomplish.

- Fully functioning bo2 AGR unit to protect you for a price (kind of like SOE's civil protector)
- Dynamic volcano (seeing as the base is in a volcano anyways)
- And of course many more secrets

And here's the stereotypical things every WIP ever has.

- Every COD Zombies perk that I feel fits
- Zombies
- power switch
- explosions

Here are some of the completed guns. Specs, normals, and cosaines all done by me

Ghosts Remington R5

Ghosts Ameli

That's all I have so far. This will probably only be worked on / finished if people actually take intrest in it, so please leave feedback. (Even though the detail is pretty bad right now)

8 years ago
So I changed nothing since the last time I mapped and now radiant wont start. First I got this error:
This directory does not exist, also reinstalling mod tools didnt fix it.

After that I updated my graphic drivers and then it showed the radiant icon without actually showing the grey screen as it loaded. it loaded forever and wouldn't start or crash.

After that I tried this which someone in chat suggested

now it crashes immediately after pressing it in launcher with no errors, just doesn't load.

And this isnt a one day thing, it hasnt worked after alot of pc restarts and attempts.
8 years ago
So in launcher there options for either fast light compiling or extra, for my final compile I did extra which took 50 minutes versus fast taking 4 minutes. I didn't notice a different but I play on a bad PC with low resolution. Does this make a big enough difference to be worth the time?
8 years ago
I decided to try to set up a vehicle for the players to ride in. I followed a tutorial on Mods Respiratory and it works how it should, when I touch a trigger it sets off the vehicle in the set path, however I need to be able to 1. Hide the model until the times comes to show it. 2. link some structs to it. (im linking the structs to it then teleporting the players to the structs) The vehicle doesnt seem to react to scripts, here part of it

Code Snippet
veh = GetEnt("veh","targetname");
veh2 = GetEnt("veh2","targetname");
veh Hide();
veh2 Hide();

these are both script_vehicles and they defiantly don't hide. Is there either an easier way to do this or is it just not possible?
9 years ago
Can someone explain how to actually use the MoveTo(); function? I looked at it on the script reference and used it exactly how it says. the Entity just stays where it is and doesn't move.

Code Snippet
        rock2_target = GetEnt("rock2_Start","targtname");
rock2 MoveTo(rock2_target, 3, 0.1, 0.1);
wait 4;
rock2 RotatePitch(45,3,0.5);

Heres the example from the script ref
Code Snippet
dummy moveTo(dest_org, .5, .05, .05);

rock2_target is a script origin with that kvp copied straight from radiant so its defiantly correct.
RotatePitch works fine and does what it should.
rock2 is a script_model.

Any ideas to why this doesn't work or perhaps an alternative function to do that same thing? They need to go to very specific positions and that will change as the code continues so it has to be moved to an origin or something similar.
9 years ago
How does GetEntArray decide the order the items are put into the array? I need it to be a specific order and id rather not do it all manually.
9 years ago
So ive made multiple scripts now trying to get fx to play. Ive asked in the chat, ive messed with different functions to play fx, nothings worked. Heres my current setup to play it.

This is at the top of my GSC im using:
Code Snippet
level._effect[ "hum" ] 					= loadfx( "maps/zombie/fx_meteor_ambient" );

This is what im using to actually play the fx:
Code Snippet
ee1rock = GetEnt("ee1_rock", "targetname");
FXorg = spawn("script_origin",self getorigin());
FXorg EnableLinkTo();
FXorg LinkTo(ee1rock);
round_start = get_round(5);
ee1clip moveZ(128,20);
ee1rock moveZ(128,20);
wait 10;
PlayFXOnTag(level.effect["hum"], self, FXorg );

This is what I have in my mod.csv to load the fx in:
Code Snippet

I have no idea whats wrong here :/ any help is appreciated
9 years ago
So I made a really nice vision file for my map and I wanted to test how it looked on youtube since it messes with the contrast and when I played the video back (on my pc) It looked like this How ever when I take screenshots it works how its supposed too:

It also looks weird when im in full screen mode. (I play on the smallest setting most of the time)

Should I just scrap the vision file?
9 years ago
I've added UGX weather playing the ember fx and it works fine but very few other fx play occasionally they start going for abit then stop again. This includes weapons, environment and everything else. Can this be fixed or is their an easier way to play weather that works?
9 years ago
Hordes of undead freaks, mysterious aid, unconvential killing devices. Awkwaken into Strandburg, cutoff from the world. Unlock the mysteries hidden inside the small motel to escape the horror within

Wall weapons with ammo that gets progressively more expensive based on times bought
6 in map perks, all others in wunderfizz
Insane amount of secrets and Easter Eggs
Black Ops 3 Perk jingles and ambient sounds
Way to unlock perk slots
Two wonder weapons (One hidden, one paped gun)
Extensive winnable easteregg with good / bad ending



All replies from the second page forward are from after release!

only one Easter egg step can be completed per round.
After dying on solo, restart level instead of waiting for it to auto restart (vision issue)

Harry Bo21
Beta Testers:

If I forgot anyone, pm me :D

WIP area:
Spoiler: click to open...
No waw weapons
Wall weapons with ammo that gets progressively more expensive based on times bought
Widow's Wine: My own take on what it should be.
6 in map perks, all others in wunderfizz
Insane amount of secrets and Easter Eggs
Black Ops 3 Perk jingles and ambient sounds
Way to unlock perk slots
Complexx easter egg
Yes that was a deliberate miss-spelling

Previous Updates:
Spoiler: click to open...
Update July 28 2015:

Update August 30 2015:

Custom PaP Camo

Main area detailed + Power area detailed

UPDATE: Spawn area 100% finished, the other areas you will only get to see if you download the map, in other words like one person will see it :poker:

Sorry it took a month to post an update, I know EVERYONE has been anxiously awaiting it.  :poker:

Nov 4:

Power room:


Motel Room:

Main Areas:

Once again, thank you for the overwhelming support!

If anyone happens to be interested in a beta and will send me bug reports, please pm me. :)
Also, if anyone would like to donate some sort of boss zombie, that would be great too :D
9 years ago
Awhile ago I followed a tutorial that used the adv Terrian editing tool (activated by 'y' in radiant) and it worked fine. I'm trying to use it again now and no matter what buttons I press it doesn't edit the Terrian in anyway, it either just moves or if the vertices mode is on is just selects them. I know this is a silly question, but how do you use this?
9 years ago
I reinstalled waw and the mod tools so I hit the converter and it ran for a bit and gave me this error

It's probbaly fine since I've never seen a converter error that mattered but I just want to make sure. :-X
9 years ago
What are these for? Do you make them yourself or export them from somewhere? All I know is they make the guns look really nice.
9 years ago
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