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Topics - jei9363

Back to being a noob with these tools

I have a start zone riser targeted for entrance_a

I have the info_zone and the struct is targeting it

not sure what the new rules of the road are.. I know not having dog spawners in waw would cause this

Double Post Merge: September 29, 2016, 11:38:29 pm
I have one find_flesh and one seeking a  barracade
8 years ago
Ignoring empty brush model entity
Map C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\\map_source\zm\ entity 22

Ignoring empty brush model entity
Map C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\\map_source\zm\ entity 24

And my new geo still doesn't show up.

Double Post Merge: September 28, 2016, 10:46:51 pm

I just want some geo to show!! :(

Double Post Merge: September 28, 2016, 10:57:04 pm
fixed it by creating a new map. mustve done something really weird idk
8 years ago
I only had like 8 min this morning to touch mod tools but

created new map zm_curse

compiled (full)/linked and was able to play.

I added one test cube with that 1234 Test texture. compiled(full) and ran, the cube did not show up.

not sure if its a write permission or what.. will show the log when I get back home

8 years ago
Are there any no-nos for developing the geo in current radiant, if you intend on bringing it over to radiant black? Aside from being married to the textures?

Do alpha blends carry over? Do certain things cause it to crash when opening in the new radiant?

Just want to get an idea for what to work on and what not to work on.
8 years ago
The secrets of this temple lay within the tight grip of the pharaoh.

This is the start of my map I plan on finishing with BO3 mod tools
8 years ago
so for the past few months Ive been on mac because my pc died and I needed to push an iOS app for work. but started missing my old programs like Sony Vegas and such. Just got the CyberpowerPC Gamer Ultra whatever computer (im not a pc builder guy haha).

Has BO3 improved much for the computer? Will I be able to play at some resolution with


How much have people been feeling the BO3 modtools coming out?
8 years ago
Play as Micheal De Santa, Sarah Gellar, Los Santos Police Officer, or Micheal Rooker in this Luxurious Estate. Claim your home back from the undead using your ammo, ziplines, recreational sports equipment and more!

! No longer available



Black Ops Perks
Black Ops Guns
Fun vertical gameplay!
4 non-classic characters!
Ziplines (for you and zombies)
Slide (yes the driveway is modeled after a real driveway, just check the ref pic haha)
Elevator (would stay upstairs too long)  ;)
1 Custom Perk
Animated Fishies at start  :o
1 Custom Powerup
2 Buildable traps
2 regular traps (insta-kill zombies walking through, and hurt you)
PAP unlock objective
Custom Zombie Traverses
Custom Zombie Models
Boss Zombies (not crazy amount of health)
Cool traps
Acension style box tv screens
An iPhone! (maybe its layin out somewhere on a table or something)
End Game! (simple but fun)
animated scenery
ambient sound
cool thing where you open the door but its like a garage door opening


DuaLVII' for rotating doors
HitmanVere for Black Ops pause
JR-Imagine custom HUD

Beta Credits:
JiffyNoodles and Nathiri

download the Snowy Version!

! No longer available

its just a quick reskin so I didn't make a new release post
8 years ago
wondering if anyone would know how to do this.. in Shadows of Evil you see a big shadow of yourself when you walk infront of spotlight. just curious..
8 years ago

still adding snowy detail. (need to do foliage and small snow patches) Will be a Makin day/night kind of deal meaning there'll be no changes to gameplay.


same as Estate

play the map here,7349.0.html
8 years ago

go into radiant and prep your map to have a platform in one zone, overlooking another zone

add a negotiation node begin with kvps, with script_noteworthy being the end zone

add a negotiation node end with kvps. link the start node to the end node by selecting the start, then end and pressing W

add a script origin with kvps

reason for script_noteworthy

make a black cylinder, shrink it down and rotate it to angle from the start and end points of the zipline. use V to select the vertices of the ends and middle to have nice control over the geometry of your zipline. pull the middle down to get a nice slope in the line

add script_origins along the line. What I did was place all of them above the line, then used the drop down button in radiant so they would automatically drop down to the correct z height along the line.

from the first to the last, use W to link the node with the radius/zone name to node 1, node 1 to 2, and 2 to 3 and 3 to 4....

create a new .gsc file, name it maybe mapname_zipline

add this function. it will find your starting point and the origins that follow

Code Snippet

#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager;
#include maps\_music;
#include maps\dlc3_code;
#include maps\dlc3_teleporter;


zipline = getEnt("zipline","targetname");

level.zipline_origins_1 = [];

level.cleanup = [];

stop = false;
current_node = zipline;
level.zipline_origins_1[level.zipline_origins_1.size] = zipline.origin;
next_node = getEnt(,"targetname");
level.zipline_origins_1[level.zipline_origins_1.size] = next_node.origin + (0,0,-70);
current_node = next_node;
level.cleanup[level.cleanup.size] = current_node;
stop = true;

thread zipline(level.zipline_origins_1,zipline.script_noteworthy);

level.cleanup[i] delete();

add this function for moving players

Code Snippet


players = get_players();

was_warned = false;

if(Distance(origins[0],players[i].origin)<64 && !(players[i] in_revive_trigger()) && !players[i].isDown)
thread zip_me(players[i],origins);
players[i] iprintlnbold("Zone Not Active!");
was_warned = true;

wait 2;

wait .1;


and finally

Code Snippet

player.zip_link = spawn("script_model",player.origin);
player.zip_link setmodel("tag_origin");
player.zip_link.origin = player.origin;
player enableinvulnerability();
player SetStance( "stand" );
player playerLinkTo(player.zip_link);

speed = 150;

time = Distance(player.origin,zipline[i])/speed;

if(i > 1)
player.zip_link moveTo(zipline[i],time);
earthquake(.15, 1.5*time, player.origin,128);
player.zip_link moveTo(zipline[i],Distance(player.origin,zipline[i])/600);

wait time;

speed += 50;

player disableinvulnerability();
player unlink();

wait 1; = "allies";
player.onElevator = false;

create a script in mods/mapname/animscripts/traverse, name it zombie_climb_down


Code Snippet
#include animscripts\Utility;
#include animscripts\traverse\shared;
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#using_animtree ("generic_human");

if( IsDefined( self.is_zombie ) && self.is_zombie &&  self.type != "dog" )
self low_wall_zombie();
else if( IsDefined( self.is_zombie ) && self.is_zombie && self.has_legs == false )
else if( self.type == "dog" )
dog_jump_up(96, 7);


jump_time = .8;

traverseData = [];
//traverseData[ "traverseAnim" ] =  %ai_zombie_zip_down;

endNode = self getNegotiationEndNode();
final = endNode.origin;

path = level.zipline_origins_1;
path = array_reverse( path ); //if zombies start from opposite end remove this

zombie_link = spawn("script_model",self.origin);
zombie_link setmodel("tag_origin");
self LinkTo(zombie_link);

thread DoTraverse( traverseData );




traverseData = [];
traverseData[ "traverseAnim" ] = %ai_zombie_crawl_jump_up_2_climb;

DoTraverse( traverseData );



speed = 150;

for(i=zipline.size - 1;i>0;i--)
time = Distance(player.origin,zipline[i])/speed;

zombie_link moveTo(zipline[i] + (0,0,32) ,time);

wait time;


zombie_link moveTo(final,Distance(player.origin,zipline[i])/300);

wait Distance(player.origin,zipline[i])/300;

player unlink();
zombie_link delete();


tick the scripts in the mod builder and add


in _zombiemode.gsc


Code Snippet

compile and build!  :D

Double Post Merge: November 09, 2015, 07:43:34 pm
if you have a zombie animation from BO you can uncomment this line, and replace with your anim

Code Snippet
//traverseData[ "traverseAnim" ]			=  %ai_zombie_zip_down;
8 years ago

ive tried messing with cullface is asset manager but no luck, but it looks good in Maya
8 years ago
trying to add final details to my map and am trying to do the meteor sounds. The sound takes a while to stop though?

Code Snippet
	meteor_origin thread play_loop_sound_on_entity( "meteor_loop" );

self waittill("trigger",user);

meteor_origin thread stop_loop_sound_on_entity( "meteor_loop" );
8 years ago
Code Snippet
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "zone_1", "enter_zone_1" );
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "zone_2", "enter_zone_2" );
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "zone_4", "enter_zone_4" );

zone 4 works

Code Snippet
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "zone_1", "enter_zone_1" );
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "zone_2", "enter_zone_2" );
add_adjacent_zone( "zone_1", "zone_4", "enter_zone_4" );

zone 4 freezes the game as soon as you touch it

any thoughts?

Double Post Merge: November 02, 2015, 10:37:30 pm
I debugged it and zone_4 successfully reports 1 riser_spawner, with 9 riser script_structs

Double Post Merge: November 02, 2015, 10:37:47 pm
so its not lack of spawners
8 years ago
so here is my color map (.dds) (i changes it to white)

and my normal map (.tga)

Is there any way to make these bricks look like theyre actually popping out, they seem very flat?

8 years ago
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