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Topics - Dust

I am trying to port the RPR evo from Infinite Warfare, and I followed all the steps in Jbirds weapon porting tutorial, it says that its for weapons from older call of duty games, but I assume it would work for Infinite Warfare as well but when I import the .mel file for the idle anim it looks like this(it is the same for all of the other anims as well).

Anyone know why?
7 years ago
Is it not possible to edit stock scripts right now in the beta? I am trying to change something in the stock script, but when I go in game it is still the original. I have tried editing it in usermaps as well as raw and adding the scriptparsetree in my zone file, but no luck.
8 years ago
There is a update for BO3 mod tools on steam, if you guys wasn't aware. It should download automatically. Fingers crossed, it is the rest of the assets.

Doesn't tell me how big the size is though.
8 years ago
So, as most of you guys are aware, Treyarch did not give us the prefabs for Widows Wine, but they did give us the scripts, and the assets for Widows Wine. Its just a matter of calling them and changing the models to Widows Wine in radiant.

So first lets call the scripts.
1. Open up your mapname.gsc, found in usermaps/your map/scripts/zm. Open up the .gsc. and where you see the different script calls for the perks, copy the final one, which is
Code Snippet
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup;
, paste it under that and put
Code Snippet
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_widows_wine;
. Save that.
2. Now in that same folder, you should see, open that up, and do the same thing you did in mapname.gsc, copy
Code Snippet
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup;
, paste it under and put
Code Snippet
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_widows_wine;

Thats it for the scripting part.

3. Now open up radiant, get a random perk machine prefab, I used quick revive for this, but it doesn't matter. If you dont know how to get to your prefabs, press B to bring up the entity browser, find misc_prefab. Drag it into your map. The perk machine prefabs are found in zm/zm_core. They start with vending_.
4. Now stamp the prefab by first selecting it, right click either in the 2D view, or the 3D View, doesn't matter. Go to prefab, stamp prefab. Now you should be able to click on each piece individually.
5. Click on the green box which is the actual machine for the perks.
6. Press N to bring up the entity info. Find model, which is the name of the perk machine model. Change the value to
Code Snippet
7. Now find script_noteworthy, change it to
Code Snippet
8 Save your map. Be sure to compile, and link.

And your done, you now have widows wine 100% working in your maps. The triggers are controlled by scripts for the perk machines, so you dont need to worry about that.
 I dont know why Treyarch didnt give us the prefab, or call the scripts for us before giving us the mod tools, if they gave us the other assets we needed for it, but oh well.
8 years ago
So as the title states, I am getting this error whenever I try to "Link Mod". In my 2 test maps I made(just to test certain stuff) not once did I come across this, but of course I do when I start working on a real map.

8 years ago
So, someone just asked a question, "How to make zombies only spawn in the room that you are currently in", and it seems a lot of people don't know about this. I just recently found out about it so thought I would share it with the rest of you.

In your
Code Snippet
function in mapname.gsc, where you add your adjacent zones. There is a fourth parameter that, when set to true, will only spawn the zombies in the zone, if you are in that zone This is useful, if you teleport and you want the zombies to spawn in the "teleport_zone", but not the other zones.

To get it working, you just need to add true after your script_flag parameter, like so.

Code Snippet
add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone","zone1","enter_zone1",true );

And that will make it so the zombies will only spawn in a particular zone, if a player is in that zone.

8 years ago
For some reason, one of the steps of my easter egg does not work in co-op but it works fine in solo.

This step involves hitting buttons in a certain order. Basically what it does in co-op is, when someone hits a button it acts like you activated it twice.

It comes up "Button is incorrect", or "button is correct" 2 times, thought that was just a print bug, but then when I go to activate the second button it says its incorrect, when it isnt.

It works just fine on solo. When I activate a button, it says it is incorrect or correct one time, and I can continue on from there.

I have no idea what is wrong with it

Code Snippet
button_easter_egg = getentarray("button_easter_egg","targetname");
array_thread (button_easter_egg,::button_easter_egg);

self endon("button_easter_egg_complete");

self SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
self waittill("trigger");
self thread check_for_correct_button();

self endon("button_hit");
if(level.number_correct == 1)
if(self.script_noteworthy == level.number1)
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is correct");
level.number_correct ++;
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is incorrect");
level.number_correct = 1;
self notify("button_hit");

if(level.number_correct == 2)
if(self.script_noteworthy == level.number2)
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is correct");
level.number_correct ++;
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is incorrect");
level.number_correct = 1;
self notify("button_hit");

if(level.number_correct == 3)
if(self.script_noteworthy == level.number3)
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is correct");
level.number_correct ++;
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is incorrect");
level.number_correct = 1;
self notify("button_hit");

if(level.number_correct == 4)
if(self.script_noteworthy == level.number4)
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is correct");
level.number_correct ++;
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is incorrect");
level.number_correct = 1;
self notify("button_hit");
if(level.number_correct == 5)
if(self.script_noteworthy == level.number5)
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is correct");
wait 1;
iprintlnbold("All numbers correct");
self notify("button_easter_egg_complete");
button = getentarray("button_easter_egg","targetname");
wait .05;
button[i] delete();
thread elemental_easter_egg();
iprintlnbold("Button " +self.script_noteworthy+ " is incorrect");
level.number_correct = 1;
self notify("button_hit");
iprintlnbold("Script Noteworthy not defined");
8 years ago
I am trying to figure out how to spawn grenades, like the origins dig sites, but cant figure out how to.

I looked through the scripting reference and saw this

I am unsure if this is what I need, but I tried messing with it and did not work.

Any help?
8 years ago
So I am wanting to recreate the fire script from kino, and was taking a look at the black ops 1 script for it. It seems like I should be able to just copy and paste the script from black ops to world at war, but I noticed in the function that controls the player damage if they touch the fire, it has a function called SetBurn. I can't seem to find this function anywhere in the bo1 scripts. I was wondering if world at war has a function like this, or maybe I can find the original function for SetBurn and just paste it in my script in world at war. Or maybe add a substitute for that, because I believe in Kino, if the players touched the fire, their screen would be on fire for a couple seconds(I believe this is what that function does).

Any help is appreciated

8 years ago
So I have a custom script, where it spawns a different random powerup in 4 different locations each game, and to unlock the powerup they have to shoot 3 of the powerup. ie a nuke spawns in the start room, they shoot 3 other nukes, and they unlock it to use whenever they want.

The script works somewhat, but ONLY for the nuke powerup. When it spawns something other than a nuke, when I shoot the powerup, nothing happens, but when the nuke spawns in, I can shoot it just fine.

Here is the script

Code Snippet
level.tspawn_decide_powerup = randomintrange(1,4);
//iprintlnbold("Outside powerup number is " +level.outside_decide_powerup);
if(level.tspawn_decide_powerup == 1 && level.nuke_spawned == 1)
thread decide_tspawn_powerup();
else if(level.tspawn_decide_powerup == 1)
level.tspawn_powerup_name = "nuke";
level.nuke_spawned = 1;
level.tspawn_powerup_model = "zombie_bomb";

if(level.tspawn_decide_powerup == 2 && level.instakill_spawned == 1)
thread decide_tspawn_powerup();
else if(level.tspawn_decide_powerup == 2)
level.tspawn_powerup_name = "insta_kill";
level.instakill_spawned = 1;
level.tspawn_powerup_model = "zombie_skull";

if(level.tspawn_decide_powerup == 3 && level.doublepoints_spawned == 1)
thread decide_tspawn_powerup();
else if(level.tspawn_decide_powerup == 3)
level.tspawn_powerup_name = "double_points";
level.doublepoints_spawned = 1;
level.tspawn_powerup_model = "zombie_x2_icon";

if(level.tspawn_decide_powerup == 4 && level.maxammo_spawned == 1)
thread decide_tspawn_powerup();
else if(level.tspawn_decide_powerup == 4)
level.tspawn_powerup_name = "max_ammo";
level.maxammo_spawned = 1;
level.tspawn_powerup_model = "zombie_ammocan";

thread decide_outside_powerup();
tspawn_powerup_cage = getent("tspawn_powerup_cage","targetname");
tspawn_powerup_cage_clip = getent("tspawn_powerup_cage_clip","targetname");
tspawn_powerup = getent("tspawn_powerup","targetname");
tspawn_powerup SetModel( powerup );
tspawn_powerup.powerup_name = level.tspawn_powerup_name;
playfx( level._effect["powerup_on"], tspawn_powerup.origin );

tspawn_collect_powerup = GetEntArray("tspawn_collect_powerup", "targetname");
tspawn_collect_powerup[i] setmodel(powerup);
playfx( level._effect["powerup_on"], tspawn_powerup[i].origin );
level.tspawn_powerup_total = tspawn_collect_powerup.size;
array_thread(tspawn_collect_powerup, ::shoot_tspawn_powerup);
level waittill("all_tspawn_powerups_shot");
//iprintlnbold("All powerups have been shot!");
tspawn_powerup_cage_clip EnableLinkTo();
tspawn_powerup_cage_clip LinkTo(tspawn_powerup_cage);
tspawn_powerup_cage moveZ(10000,0.5);
tspawn_powerup thread maps\_zombiemode_powerups::powerup_grab();

level endon("end_game");
self SetCanDamage(true);
self waittill( "damage", damage, attacker );
iprintlnbold("Powerup has been shot");
self SetCanDamage(false);
self hide();
self.is_active = false;
if (level.tspawn_powerup_shot >= level.tspawn_powerup_total)
level notify("all_tspawn_powerups_shot");

Also for some reason the FX only works for the powerup that is in the "cage"(tspawn_powerup). Can you actually have the same FX for multiple models at a time?
8 years ago
So, Admiral_Bahroo's team has just solved the easter egg on Shadows of Evil. I believe they are the first in the world to solve it as well. Big congrats to them! Also the end cutscene is pretty amazing as well.
8 years ago
So I am scripting a trap that attracts the zombies(similar to the monkey bomb), and I was looking at the zombie_point_of_interest line in the monkey bomb script.

I believe the max_attract_dist is how much distance the zombies have to be away from the thing that you are tageting before the zombies gets attracted to it.(probably explained that poorly xD)
and the num_attractors is how many zombies can be targeted to a certain ent at one time.
but what does the third value mean, the long number?
Code Snippet
grenade thread create_zombie_point_of_interest( max_attract_dist, num_attractors, 10000 );

Also let me know if I am totally off with what the first 2 variables mean xD.
8 years ago
So Since my previous WIP map (vacant) got lost since my hard drive crashed. I have been working on a new map which is a map ported from cs:go called Nuke. I decided I may as well make a WIP to give you guys a taste of what I have in store. I have scripted a ton of stuff in this map that I am sure will keep you guys busy.

  • UGX mod 1.1
  • Black Ops 2 buried chalk(draw your own weapons)
  • All UGX 1.1 gamemodes plus a brand new one I have scripted myself
  • Not a fan of runners from the start? That is fine, I have made a difficulty option(note, some things will not be available on the easier difficulties)
  • Custom game mode that happens every 4-5 rounds(very similar to cs:go)
  • Hud that shows the name of the area you are in
  • Store powerups to use at a later date(had this one saved from Vacant)
  • Custom traps!(extinguisher trap(or gas trap), spike trap(maybe if I can find a good model for it), black hole of death trap, fire trap from kino
  • Unique way to unlock the first couple of doors
  • Easter Egg to get out of the map
  • Uses all csgo textures and models ported by me from the game

Now on to the pics:
Spoiler: click to open...

(note I know about the missing textures, accidently deleted it and didn't realize until I compiled)

(The numbers Mason, what do they mean!)

Spoiler: click to open...

NEW PICS: 10/21/15
Spoiler: click to open...

8 years ago
So I am trying to add some custom textures, and I convert it in asset manager like I always do but when I go to check it in radiant, it won't appear. Someone told me one time that Radiant has a max amount of textures that they can show at one time, so I was wondering how many textures can you have before radiant stops showing the rest? I have been deleting most of the WAW textures that I dont need but my custom texture still wont appear.
9 years ago
Today Treyarch released an official trailer for the Shadows of Evil prologue, and it looks amazing! As the days go by I get more and more excited for black ops 3 zombies.

! No longer available
9 years ago
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