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Backrooms Map Challenge V1.1 [Updated!]

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Created 2 years ago
by Klaudeh
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Hello! this is my first CoD WaW custom map i ever made!
The history behind it: i was with a friend playing a custom map when he say: "Ey it will be cool if there a backrooms custom map" and i say:"Let's fucking do it"
I hope you like it :D
This map includes:
Spoiler: click to show...
-Mw2, mw3, bo2 and bo3 custom weapons
-Bo1, Bo2 And Bo3 perks
-Zombies from Mob of the dead
-Buyable Ending
-A Brutus (Hehehe)

Spoiler: click to show...
-Electric cherry not working on coop, and added more perks
-Remove the default weapon from the box
-Added again the Profile/Friends button on the main menu (whoops)

-Stay close to the walls, you never know what you gonna discover in the backrooms. . .


               ricko0z - Custom weapons
    shippuden1592 - Zombie Brutus, Custom menu, Change start weapon
    jei9363 - Mob of the Dead Zombies
    gympie6 - Other cods perks
    Crepp115 - For some help with scripting
    KielDCU - For some motivation and help with scripting
    Cajz - For the idea to start making maps and some ideas for this map (and for being an asshole <3)
    And all the community for the help and the tutorials to make this map possible :D
    (If i leave someone out the credits and i have some of your stuff in my map and want some credits, let me know)

    Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 10:18:53 pm by Klaudeh
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    The modified UI doesn't have a friends list, therefor you are unable to play the game cooperative unless it is returned back. :sunglass-smiley:
    Finished the map; to those who wish to play this map cooperative: Have your friend invite you as normal, and then from the main menu type 'acceptInvitation'
    Decent first map, would recomend looking into detailed mapping if you were interested further in increasing your mapping skills. Look into adding models firstly, they are a great and basic way to give your map more polish.
    6/10 Better than many first maps, but definitely could be better.
    Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 09:19:00 pm by Numan
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    No code is bug free
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    One thing first, I like the concept of your map with the creepy pasta meme but I was unable to invite my friend to join my game. (The button is not there)
    I was forced to use the command: acceptInvitation to join my friend's lobby.
    I liked the idea of looking around the walls searching for doors but I couldn't see which weapon is where so I have to guess what everything was.
    I know most of the weapons were from MW2 but no idea for example about the Remington, I thought it was the sniper from mw3 but it was the pistol from buried.
    It was a fun map not too difficult.
    p.s. the napalm zombie is using the "DoDamage" function that causes the player to restart the map. It best to use radius damage instead.
    I am looking forward to your next map? :)
    Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 09:21:04 pm by gympie6
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    Klaudeh's Contact & Social LinksKlaudehKlaudeh Klaudeh
    The modified UI doesn't have a friends list, therefor you are unable to play the game cooperative unless it is returned back. :sunglass-smiley:
    Finished the map; to those who wish to play this map cooperative: Have your friend invite you as normal, and then from the main menu type 'acceptInvitation'
    Decent first map, would recomend looking into detailed mapping if you were interested further in increasing your mapping skills. Look into adding models firstly, they are a great and basic way to give your map more polish.
    6/10 Better than many first maps, but definitely could be better.
    Ooh yeaah i was testing the map custom main menu and remove that button oops! maybe this weekend i'll do a new version to add again that button and fix some minor bugs, and thanks for the help :)
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    Klaudeh's Contact & Social LinksKlaudehKlaudeh Klaudeh
    One thing first, I like the concept of your map with the creepy pasta meme but I was unable to invite my friend to join my game. (The button is not there)
    I was forced to use the command: acceptInvitation to join my friend's lobby.
    I liked the idea of looking around the walls searching for doors but I couldn't see which weapon is where so I have to guess what everything was.
    I know most of the weapons were from MW2 but no idea for example about the Remington, I thought it was the sniper from mw3 but it was the pistol from buried.
    It was a fun map not too difficult.
    p.s. the napalm zombie is using the "DoDamage" function that causes the player to restart the map. It best to use radius damage instead.
    I am looking forward to your next map? :)
    Hahaha yeeah, i was testing some things with the main menu and remove that button, i just forget to put it again my bad! the weapons i like to be very random, like some random stuff you found in the backrooms hehe, i'll do a patch later to fix some of the bug and repair the main menu buttons.
    And sure! im looking to make some new maps but i was kinda busy to get into it, and i want to learn new things to make more quality maps, because this was something more like a "test map" to do it myself
    Last Edit: February 18, 2022, 12:34:33 am by Klaudeh
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    I made a video on your map -
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    Klaudeh's Contact & Social LinksKlaudehKlaudeh Klaudeh
    I made a video on your map -
    Thanks man i appreciate :D
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    Nice map, was confused at first but it's really great and enjoyable
    :+1: :+1: :+1:

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