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Zombie Slayer V4.20

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Created 9 years ago
by JWofle
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Dear NGT pwease read I add things 4 u so like really play this<3.

Hi ZM  :(
My name is Derpwopples and I would like to me introduce you all my to my new zombies map called 'Zombie Slayer'.
This map has taken me like 3 months to manfacture in my workshop. I hope you all lick it because I spent lots of effort into it. I got the inspiration of this map from the toxic things people say that make me cry at night :)
The map takes place in my mind and you beat it at round 100!! I also got inspiration from RIsev2 because that was like an okay map and I had lods of fun!
This map has like 4 areas, parkour, spawn, water, pap and random building. This map has got creativity from my mind that fueled the making of this map to turn out how it did in the end  ::)
I tried to make the graphics look super elite so I added a delpth of dof effect which makes it kinda blurry and I hope you like the improved graphics and are a bit jelly :PPP


When u wanna play go to coop then host game and like click the buttons to make it work.. If you have no friends and your a super loser loner, to play the the map, go to console (press the button in like top left of qwerty board) and type in /unbindall '/map zmobie_mapoftehyear'. It's called that because I really hope people like it and vote it map of teh year.

-Popup Funny Images!
-Cool unique messages!
-Awesome new powerups!
-Really cool boss round zombies!
-AI that's like really fun!
-Black Ops III perks (c00l)!


If u download u get a 3 cookie from me and a kiss  :alone:

Thanks JR-Image for fixing my issues and scripting, u're helpful on this!
Thanks to Mr-Hanky for his sliding doors!
Thanks Terminator for UGX mapping tools fix
Thanks GayArch for giving us cod4 and radiant etc blah blah.
Thanks Lossy for ascii art (well hello there).

lukkie and hitmanveear u are beasts.

none, I tested it thoroughly

hi lol put me inyour video and I get famous?? and I play with you I love you I watch your videos (ngt and yaw especially).

PM if you don't understand  :accepted:
Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 01:31:33 pm by lukkie1998
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Looks good, will play later :))

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we wurked vry hard on dis map guis, wofles is gr8 mappur and am best scriptur so is best map evr
Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 02:49:26 pm by JR-Imagine
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B-B-But we are UGX... ;o

Also, BO3 perks? Are you from Treyarch?

This sounds like a troll topic.
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we wurked vry hard on dis map guis, wofles is gr8 mappur and am best scriptur so is best map evr
why you always so negative kid?
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why you always so negative kid?
What do you mean negative? Might wanna read what I said again... I was in no way being negative. (Why would I be negative towards something me and a friend made for lolz?)

Also, was calling me a kid really needed? Just makes you look like the kid, tbh.
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why you always so negative kid?
Please don't start an argument in my topic, feel free to go thanks.
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What do you mean negative? Might wanna read what I said again... I was in no way being negative. (Why would I be negative towards something me and a friend made for lolz?)

Also, was calling me a kid really needed? Just makes you look like the kid, tbh.
well more or less every post i see from you seems sarcastic dude, just don't appreciate your attitude sometimes is all..
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well more or less every post i see from you seems sarcastic dude, just don't appreciate your attitude sometimes is all..
You know... If you had actually read the first post you would've realised...

Whatever, back on topic.
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Aye mate you don't know me so y don't you shut tf up ok buddy :)

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OMG Great map, how did you Black Ops 3 perks working?
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Let's keep this thread on topic from here on in. -DBZ

+1 to off-topic reply -DBZ

lmao. Too funny.

Goliath Script Placer:,11234.msg125257/topicseen.html#new

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If this map was supposed to be some kind of joke then you have failed to make me laugh.  :poker:
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Spoiler: click to open...
No offense dude, but I didn't get the downloading and cookie part ???

If this map was supposed to be some kind of joke then you have failed to make me laugh.  :poker:

Dude, it's got black ops 3 perks, are you kidding 8) !!

Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 07:48:57 pm by Ramiabdh
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bad....bad.... >:(
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If this map was supposed to be some kind of joke then you have failed to make me laugh.  :poker:

Dear mr Dadrada, please why are you so mean about my fiirst map? I spent so long makiing this map and it's so horrible to see the negative backlash you make. YOu think you're just saying what you think but you make me so sad. You don't know what it's like to put so much effort into something just to come to comments saying your map is bad. just say something nice and if you have nothing nice to say just don't make me sad. I've already been really sad lec because liek last year my dad died and he was the biggest inspiration in my life. He payed the bills and he did everything. We used to talk about cars together and stuff and now he's gone, I had to go through so much pain and I'm still going through the pain and it's so unbelievably unbearalb.e I can't stop the feeling and it just hurts so much. seeing something you spent hours and hours each day slaving away to create and then someone says its a joke, it makes me cry a little bit. maybe wen you have the courage to make a map, you'l know hwat it feels like to have someone just thrash your map for no reason it's so mean, meaner than when my mom beats me at night.... and if you say something bad ples at least give me a suggesting on how to improve otherwsise youre so evil and youer being a bad perrson. you can't just said ''''oh that sucks''''  and say lol im gonna sit here and bash you not saying how to improve. beer inmind, this is my first map, my fist! Iam still learning everything and i no it's a little bad but you just make my hole world cloudy and rainy and I really just want to go away and cry... and like I didn'teven make it a joke that's so mean, itz not that bad  tat it's a joke wtf man cant you just bea nice to me for once yours alwaysl so mean to me..... like i wasd not tryin gto be funny i was trying to make something eeveryone can enjoy and hav fun at so pleas excuse me and be compliment ok my dad died and it's just so hard, I get the courage to post something here like my new map and you just destroy my confidence saying my work is a joke, i hope you feel the same as i do someday you deserve it you mean-spirited daemon!  :'(
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My review for the map srry if im being mean but this map is impossible and not my fav. If there wasn't parkour this would be a good map... :poker: well the black ops 3 perks were impressive...
Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 10:28:34 pm by sean_a_z

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