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Risers not rising. Correctly.

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Created 11 years ago
by GeneralJJ
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Let's keep this thread on topic from here on in. -DBZ

+1 to off-topic reply -DBZ

lmao. Too funny.

Goliath Script Placer:,11234.msg125257/topicseen.html#new

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This is the second or third time you've tried to blame UGX Scripts for a problem without ever starting a thread about it or trying to let us know. How do you expect it to get fixed if you never say anything directly to us...

As far as risers in our scripts, we did not edit risers and they work fine. Comosea uses the same base script package that you guys get in UGX Mod v1.0.3 and risers work fine. Nearly every UGX Mod v1.0.3 released so far has chosen to include risers, which work.

It was actually the first time using the scripts, and they work flawless - minus a lot of FX loaded into the map resulting in an FX limit (for me), and the spawner risers not working, which could simply be because of a different KVP than what sniperbolts scripts use. I meant no harm by asking that question, was only trying to help.
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Ok, Ive got them working.

1stly, Ive never blamed UGX scripts for anything, without them I would have never got any maps running.

and 2nd, I followed this post and now my risers rise just like they should do. In zones, with the proper kvps  ;D
I ofc copied the _zombiemode_spawner.gsc to the mods folder of my map, edited it and included it in the mod build. I never touched the stock .gsc

I only asked for other ppls .gsc to compare them :)
Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 10:20:35 am by GeneralJJ
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Ok, Ive got them working.

1stly, Ive never blamed UGX scripts for anything, without them I would have never got any maps running.
I was talking about daedra descent, not you.

and 2nd, I followed this post and now my risers rise just like they should do. In zones, with the proper kvps  ;D
I ofc copied the _zombiemode_spawner.gsc to the mods folder of my map, edited it and included it in the mod build. I never touched the stock .gsc

I only asked for other ppls .gsc to compare them :)
Glad you got it fixed.

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